Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Journal 26 - Breaking Laws

Under certain circumstances I think it is acceptable to break laws. But only certain circumstances. Somebody breaking into or stealing a car constitutes a law being broken no matter what. But an orphaned child who has to take care of her younger siblings stealing toothpaste and bread from a grocery store would not be in the same category as a thief or robber stealing diamonds from a jewelry store or people holding up a convenience store to get money. The homeless, parentless child needs those things to survive, but the robbers are stealing for their own personal gain. But as this situation game could go on forever. For every instance when the law could be broken, a reason to support the action of breaking laws could be given for people to be innocent or have a good reason behind breaking the law. Because of that, there are judicial courts where people are judged if they had the legal rights to break the law, or if they should be fully punished for breaking the law. It is never okay to break a law as the law was created for a reason. If it was safe to go 80 on Veterans Parkway or 125, then the speed limit would be 80, not 55 mph. Laws were created to help people, not to harm them (for the most part... Black Codes and certain racial laws in the 1880s did not help out African Americans, but harmed them to the point of death). If laws were meant to be broken then they would not have been created in the first place. Because situational reasoning could justify breaking the laws, there is always someone who can get away with it and beat the system. That is why the government needs to enforce the laws to a point. We do not need a Big Brother sort of government, but people need to have a respect for the laws so that they are followed.

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