Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Journal 24 - Spooky

I was trying to think of the last time that I was spooked and realized that I can not remember a time when I was spooked except for many years ago when I was home alone. I had just watched a Star Trek: The Next Generation episode when Data takes off his "skin" on his arm and expose the circuitry to fix something or other. For whatever reason that freaked me out. I turned off the TV and made myself a snack to get my mind off the creepy image. I think I was having a flashback to Star Trek Nemesis where a similar thing happened to Data, but the skin was organic and burned off. I saw that movie in theaters and it creeped me out. As I was eating my snack I kept hearing noises. The typical branch against a window, a possible intruder on the porch looking in the window, etc., etc. I was spooked and as I was home alone, of course I became even more scared. I decided that the safe thing to do was to just go to bed. I left the lights on downstairs though not only because my parents were coming home later, but because then it looked like I was still up to burglars or people who would want to break into my house. I tried to fall asleep, but I kept hearing noises! I did not have a cell phone at that time (back in the day before everyone had texting and individual cellular devices) to contact my parents and did not want to call them on the home phone as I wanted to show that I was responsible enough to handle being by myself at night at home. Finally I fell asleep, a restless sleep, but I was able to ignore the noise. Until my parents came home and when the garage door opened I jolted up in my bed, fully awake. Of course I did not want to admit that I was scared and stayed in my room pretending to be asleep, until my mother came in to check on me and I pretended that she woke me up and I pretended that I was fine. In reality I was fine now that other people were in the house.

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