Today's American Dream is much different than what it was in the 1700s. Back then the Dream was to be the best person that one could be and to better yourself and your country. Then in the 1800s and 1900s the Dream changed. The American Dream morphed into becoming a successful person and making a name for yourself. Many immigrants came to America to have a better life and to become rich. Sometimes it worked out, but for the majority of the immigrants, their lives were hard. Now the American Dream is different. The Dream has changed to more of an individual goal seeking. Everyone wants to make it to the top, but the sense of companionship is not the same as in colonial times. As economic times change, the definition of successful changes. In the 1700s being successful was having enough food, receiving a good education, having a nice house and nice clothes, and marrying a good man or woman. Jobs were not as important as most sons did whatever trade their fathers were trained in. Jobs were not so much status quo as they are now. In today's time leading a successful life means that you are leaving either above your means (to show high status, even when incurring debt) or living a high standard life off of the money that you make in your successful powerful job. Having a healthy family is no longer a part of the American Dream. Many people now do not have children and are happy with their lives and have fulfilled their dreams. One hundred years from now the American Dream will change again as situations and the environment changes. My American Dream is to have the opportunity to receive an excellent education over the course of my young adult life and to have the opportunity to do whatever I want to do, whether it is go up into space and visit other planets (and maybe other races? That is the Trekkie in me talking) or designing a warp drive.
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