When our world was new, the Earth was governed by two Gods, the Sky God and the Earth God. The brothers were each given a domain of the Earth by their father, the Supreme God to prove themselves worthy of their Godly responsibilities. The Sky God kept his skies blue and clean and full of stars at night. The Earth God groomed his domain to be lush and fertile, with an abundance of growing vegetation. Both of the Gods impressed their Father when he visited on his rounds of the Heavens. The Supreme God took a mental note to reward his sons next visit by populating the Earth with Animals and Man. He kept his sons in the dark about it though, and bid them farewell as he continued his never-ending journey.
In the period that the Supreme God was absent from the Earth the two brothers came across a disagreement. There was a void of space in between the two domains. The air between the Sky and the Earth did not belong to either, therefore both claimed it belonged to them. Neither God could think of a solution that would make the other happy. They resorted to physical violence. The Sky God struck the fertile land with lightning and bombarded the land with winds and storms. In retaliation the Earth God sent ash and smoke up to the Sky to cloud and dirty his brother's domain. The sky turned black with disease and the land became scarred and brown with sickness. The feud over the territorial dispute went on for many moons until the Supreme God returned back to the Earth. What he saw greatly displeased him and disappointed him greatly. He told his sons what his feeling were and told then to resolve the problem and stop punishing their domain with a trivial argument. The brothers realized that in their anger, they had hurt their planet and compromised to solve their disagreement. The compromise was for the Earth God to send up sections of the land up toward the Sky forming mountains, and the Sky God created white clouds that reached down toward the land. The brothers shared the space and their quick compromise and rush to action showed the Supreme God that they were willing to look past mistakes and learn from misunderstandings. He then populated the Earth with Man and Animals in the hope that his sons will have no need to argue to that extreme anymore. During large severe storms or volcanic eruptions the People know that the Earth and Sky Gods are fighting, but are reassured that it will never get to the extreme that happened many moons ago as the brothers have learned how to compromise and share.
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